Retirement Analyzer

Click below to view the retirement analyzer recording!

Thank you for joining the Retirement Analyzer Planning Software presentation for Capmar.  Please click on the link below to activate your free 14 day trial of our program.  Please indicate that you are with Capmar in the Questions or Comments section on the activation page.

Once you have set up your trial account you can start to take advantage of our Training and Support platforms.  

We are available 8am – 5pm CST at 800-854-6621.  You are welcome to give us a call anytime you have questions while working in the program.

We host live training sessions every weekday morning from 10am – 11am CST.  Monday – Thursday’s Power Hour is really geared towards our new users.  You are welcome to bring the files you are working on, or general questions about our program to these sessions.  

Friday’s Success in 60 will address more advanced planning strategies and any updates or enhancements we are planning to release in the program.  You can find links for these daily calls in the “Support” Locker, under the “Live Webinars” section.  I have also included those links below for your convenience.

You will also find strategy specific training videos in the “Case Studies” section of the “Training” Locker.  These videos will provide step by step instructions on showing strategies such as Annuities for Income, IRA to Roth Conversions, or Overfunded Life Insurance to name a few.   

We are here for you every step of the way to answer your questions and provide you with everything you need to succeed.  

Power Hour –

Success in 60 –

We look forward to working with you!


Check out the Features of the Retirement Analyzer. CLICK HERE

Here is the Pricing information for the Retirement Analyzer. CLICK HERE

Here is the Process for the Retirement Analyzer. CLICK HERE

Check out Why the Retirement Analyzer will increase your closing ratio and help you become more successful. CLICK HERE

Do you have questions? Call us at 919-488-3686 or email


Learn more about the Retirement Analyzer financial planning software